Pharmacy Regulation and Professionalization in Indonesia

Pharmacy Regulation and Professionalization in Indonesia

The regulation and professionalization of pharmacy in Indonesia have undergone significant transformations since the country’s independence. With a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape and increasing demand for pharmaceutical services, Indonesia has made considerable efforts to establish robust regulatory frameworks and enhance the professionalism of its pharmacy sector. This article explores the key developments in pharmacy regulation and professionalization in Indonesia, highlighting the evolution of regulatory bodies, the role of professional organizations, and ongoing challenges and opportunities. Visit

Historical Context and Early Regulation

  • Colonial Era Foundations

During the Dutch colonial period, pharmacy in Indonesia was largely influenced by Western practices. The colonial administration established initial frameworks for drug regulation, but these were primarily focused on the needs of the colonial authorities and their administration. The Dutch East India Company (VOC) introduced early forms of drug regulation, but these were limited in scope and largely oriented towards supporting colonial interests.

  • Post-Independence Developments
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