A handbag from Fendi has often been 1 of the most pricey so known as designer brands. Operated by South African-born fashion designer Lana J. Marks and headquartered in Palm Beach, FL, USA its handbags are handcrafted in Italy and most recognized since of its fusion, beauty, architectural and sculptural lines with breathtaking colors and luxuriously textured exotic leathers. This signifies that you, the consumer, can snatch a true but inexpensive designer handbag for hundreds off the original cost. If the designer handbag is as low cost as chips, then do not count on to get an genuine designer handbag.
Their most high-priced bag is in the shape of a rose and is studded with diamonds and gold and was sold for $90,000. The Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse includes 18k gold and 4517 diamonds of diverse colors for which it has been added in the list of most expensive handbags brands in the planet 2015. The designer clothes goods encompass stylish ties, luxury luggage, renowned handbags and designer shoes.
The most popular bag of this brand was Cleopatra clutch that was studded with virtually 1500 valuable diamonds and was sold in an auction of $one hundred,000 which made a record of a most pricey bag in the globe. All Bollywood celebrities are observed carrying expensive handbags to events, award functions, and movie premiers and promotions. The most pricey handbag they have created so far was a 40 diamond-studded bag that was truly the priciest bag in the whole wide world.
This designer clothing brand that is one particular of the best 10 most high priced clothes brands is known as brand of glamour, prestige and elegance, as Dior has also diversified their portfolio to bring out top quality skin care as nicely as fragrance lines, and the highbrow reputation of Dior has only gone up with ears passing by. An epitome of trendy style, Dior enjoys a healthy international presence and the aspiring fashionistas get lured by the guarantee shown by the expensive clothes brand.
The feedback of received from the initial bag produced this brand successful in the world and has now opened their shops in many nations. Judith Leiber is a name of stylishness, style, and superiority and for over fifty years it presents unique handbags and crystal minaudières which have been familiar all around the globe due to the fact of its excellent handcraftsmanship. The bags of this brand are very best in design that entirely grabs the interest of bag lovers in the planet. Most of these handbags on-line Australia, USA, Dubai,, Europe, are obtainable for obtain.