How to Avoid Transferring Bed Bugs With Your Luggage

There’s been a resurgence of bed bugs in the past couple years primarily because they’re so easily spread with peoples travel habits. It’s important when travelling that you take precautions so that your luggage isn’t transferring these disgusting little critters into your (hopefully) pest free home.
The first obvious step to avoid transferring bed bugs with your luggage is to avoid places that have them to begin with. I hate to sound like a broken record, but this really can’t be stressed enough. You never know where bed bugs will be living. They can be anywhere from your friends spare bedroom to a high end hotel, so do a quick search online to see if there are any reports of them online at your next stop-over.
Whether you find out that the place you’re staying has bed bugs or not, you may as well take a few easy steps to …
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