Guides to Auto Accident Laws Someone’s recklessness could result in an Auto Accident, in some other times, a malfunction in an automobile’s part could be the reason, putting the lives of the people involved in the accident at risk. Auto Accident Law requires you to have an auto insurance for you are driving your automobile in public It is to protect the people involved in the accident if it is at your fault, and also to cover yourself from expenses as well. Not having the insurance can give you much more trouble and depending on the situation can even give you jail time. Call the attention of the authority if you are involved in an auto accident first, and never leave the scene unless necessary for it could be considered as a hit and run if you flew the scene.
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Calling the police’s attention is important even if no one is injured for you may need a police report to file claims with your insurance company. If there were injuries, it is also important to call the attention of a medical help. Don’t forget to take note of the information of everyone involved in the accident, their names, addresses, contact information, license information and insurance information, and also of the date, time, and place of the accident.
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If you are not sure of how it really happen, it is best if you gather the truths of what went down by gathering information from the witnesses and the other drivers involved then try to connect it if it matches with what you know or remembered happened. Take photos of everything. Take photos of the situation of the vehicles are after the accident, take photos of the damages done in the vehicles if there are any. Also if there are skid marks, take photos of it, take photos of the stop signs, of the location’s speed limit sign for you can use these pictures as evidence later on. Knowing who the one responsible for the accident is the most important piece in an auto accident so that the one at fault could be charged with what he/she has done. It is best to have an auto accident attorney for auto accident cases may have damaged someone’s property, may have put innocent people’s lives in jeopardy, or the one responsible for the accident refuses to pay for the damage that has been done. However, if the injury or the damage that has been done are minor and everyone can talk it out and agree to make arrangements regarding the incident, an auto accident attorney would not be needed.